lunes, 28 de noviembre de 2011


For someone who loves to cook having been studying culinary arts for two years was wonderful. All those techniques, the new recipes, sauces, tips, how to make things and recipes better, makes us an extraordinary chef.
We learned all the ins and outs of cooking, our teachers taught us all the cooking skills that we need to do our best in and out of the class maybe in the future in a very good restaurant and why not in our own business.
Each person from the culinary art school taught us how to do things with passion, they tried to teach us how to behave like professionals in the kitchen and how to work as a group, and the most important thing how to believe in ourselves as chefs.
We learned about food safety and sanitation, both of them are very important for a good chef and for the people who are going to eat our food.
Having the opportunity to learn all the ins and outs about working in a busy kitchen from good teachers, makes us a person with the right knowledge to deal with menus, food costing and budgets, suppliers, and dealing with costumers.
Today I am a very good chef and a very good person, who works with passion and dedication.

domingo, 9 de octubre de 2011


Blackberry Tiramisu

1 cup backberry  jam
Fresh blackberries
6 tablespoons of orange licour (Grand Manier)
1 pound mascarpone chesse or dos pinos
1 cup whipping cream
1/4 cup sugar
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
28 soft ladyfingers or we can make a soft cake
Stir the jam and 5 tablespooms of the grand marnier in a bowl to blend
Combine the cheese and two tablespooms of liqueur in other bowl to blend
An electric mixer, beat the cream, sugar and vanilla in other bowl until soft peaks form.
With a spatula, stir 1/4 of the whipped cream into the chesse mixture to lighten, them fold the rimmaining whipped cream into the cheesecream mixture.

Line the botton of the glass baking dish or other decorative serving dish with ladyfingers, spread balf or the jam mixture over them. Spread half of the mascarpone or chessecream mixtrure, then cover with half of the fresh backberries.  Repeat layering with the remaining ladyfingers, jam mixture, chesse mixure and blackberries. Cover and refrigerate at least 3 hours or overnight

I love this recipe because is easy to make, is delicuis and differente and my family like so much especially my mother in law and my son.

domingo, 25 de septiembre de 2011

Why I decided to become a Chef

When I was young my mom taught me how to cook and for me learning how to do it wasn’t difficult, I grew up cooking things for my family and friends.
Today another person and I are in charge of a food business, we are running a catering service and we thought it would be interesting to have our degree in culinary arts. Not many people who are in charge of this kind of business have a chef degree.
Two things why I decided to study this career; I love to cook and to have the opportunity to learn new recipes, procedures and good plates to offer to our clients.